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This group started in 2006


Springwood Community Centre
(see map)

Meeting Time

Monthly fourth Thursday
10.00 am - 12.00 noon

Group Co-ordinator

Lindy Bryant

Contact Via Email:

or use our contacts page


The Science group dates back to the foundation of Waterlooville u3a. For several years meetings had taken place in members’ homes, moving to meet in Cowplain Business Centre in 2016 in response growing membership but in 2017 a larger meeting room was needed as our membership passed 25 and we now meet at the Sacred Heart.

Most meetings take place on the fourth Thursday of each month with group members taking turns to talk on a scientific or engineering topic of which they either already had background knowledge, or on a subject they have researched specially for the talk. However, we occasionally invite an outside specialist speaker and sometimes arrange visits to local sites of scientific interest.

Any Waterlooville u3a member interested in the activities of the Science Group should contact Group Liaison (see above) to arrange attendance at a "taster" meeting. Group members are expected to share the costs of hiring meeting rooms and any speakers - this is kept to a minimum.

The 2024 schedule is as follows :

DATE VENUE TOPIC Speaker/Organiser
25th Jan Springwood Semi-Conductor Microchips Bob Jarman
22nd Feb Springwood Amateur Ham Radio Robin Brown
21st March Springwood Climate Change Martin Diaper
25th April Springwood Chip Wars Bob Jarman
23rd May Springwood
8th June Springwood
25th July Springwood
26th Sept Springwood
23rd Oct Springwood
28th Nov Springwood

To see what we've covered in previous years, click on a year below :