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Wine Appreciation 2

Although this group is full, names can be added to the Waiting List

This group started in Jan 2014


Members' Homes

Meeting Time

Monthly Second or Third Monday
7.30pm - 9.30pm

Group Co-ordinator

Jeff & Carol Legg

Contact Via Email:

or use our contacts page

We are now a small group of eight as some of the original members found that either it was not for them or as some lived a distance from Waterlooville and/or they belonged to several other U3A groups and they found that it was difficult to fit everthing into a week!!

So it was decided after a serious conversation amongst those remaining that we would prefer to limit our numbers to eight. Along the way we lost one member but gained another, and once this person's husband had joined WU3A he came along as our eighth member, since he usually chauffered her to each meeting in any case! This smaller group has a number of advantages, particularly in that we are able to meet in each other's homes organised on a rota. Another advantage is that we do not have to book a room in a hall thus eliminating all hire fees. Coupled with these reasons we are more flexible with dates for our monthly meetings even though our aim is to keep to the first or second Monday of the month so as not to interfere with other people's arrangements.

The host for a particular month is free to choose three wines - one each of red, rose, and white (or sparkling). We have tried hard to vary the place of purchase, the country of origin and most importantly to keep the cost below £10.00 per bottle. The host's choice of wine has proved very interesting since it gives everyone the opportunity to taste wines that they may have otherwise not thought about buying. Also, what was thought as a good buy was found to be best when drunk with food, or some are just ideal for sipping with friends with snacks etc. We have also found that some relatively inexpensive wines have proved very acceptable indeed.

We charge each person £5.00 for the evening and re-imburse the host with the cost of the wines. The names of each member of the group is placed in 'the hat' so that the remainder of each bottle of wine is raffled. The profit for the evening can be used to pay for a visiting representative from a supplier for example Majestics as well as contributing towards the cost of either a summer dinner or Christmas dinner or both or even a visit!

We are all able to relax and enjoy swapping views on the various wines chosen for a particular evening as well as discussing what we feel would contribute towards our further enjoyment and knowledge.