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German (Advanced)

Although this group is full, names can be added to the Waiting List, and when enough people show interest, another group can be started!

This group started in 2006


Members' Homes

Meeting Time

Every Monday
10am - 12 Noon

Group Co-ordinator

Tim Crawley

Contact Via Email:

or use our contacts page

The group comprises an enthusiastic bunch, ranging from members who studied German at A level and, in one case, to degree level, to those whose careers led them to Germany where they learned their German on the job or in their spare time. Our rather disparate membership is privileged to have a tutor who taught for many years at the University of Portsmouth.

We meet for a couple of hours each week and spend our time speaking German. We often start by talking about what we have done during the previous week or about something that has attracted our interest. However, most of the time is spent with our tutor guiding us to improve our language skills by using material which she provides. Much of this is about the Germans, their culture, history and so forth or some contemporary event or anniversary. Consequently there’s never a dull moment! The aim is to get us to speak with more confidence and not have hang ups about having a go. At the same time, using a series of exercises, we are encouraged (relatively painlessly) to improve our grammatical competence, pronunciation and vocabulary.